RFP For OSCOM.4 With ApacheTracks 6
Thalinor writes "The RFP for OSCOM.4 is now out. The theme of OSCOM.4 (Open Source Content Management Conference) is "Cross-Pollination". This will be a conference with
assistance from the Apache Software Foundation for the ApacheTracks content. OSCOM.4 happens from Sept 29 - October 1, 2004 in Zurich, Switzerland. The deadline for proposals is July 15, 2004."
What is the best Free Software CMS? (Score:2)
I've played with most of them from opensourcecms.com [opensourcecms.com] and I've not liked them much. Plone seems alright, and Wordpress is perhaps the finest blogging tool in the world, but what else is there?
It must be able to produce XHTML that validates.
Re:What is the best Free Software CMS? (Score:2)
If you did try it out already (or if anyone else reading this has), I'd be interested to know what you found diffi
Re:What is the best Free Software CMS? (Score:4, Interesting)
Keep in mind that the 'nukes (e.g., PHPnuke, PostNuke, Xaraya, Xoops, etc.) are not true CMS's because they are "hybrids," one-half CMS and one-half "community-ware," software that facilitates the building of web communities. For a lengthy discussion of Xoops (probably one of the better 'nukes), see the June, 2004 issue of Linux Journal (page 14). I call this line of software "the 'nukes" because they are nearly all "descended from," or forks of, PHPnuke. For example, PostNuke was founded by disgruntled users of PHPnuke who forked the source code of PHPnuke.
Also remember that CMS's and community-ware (e.g., phpBB) have different purposes, and software that tries to accomplish _both_ purposes almost always fails to do _either_ well. The 'nukes exemplify that failure. The 'nukes are neither good CMS's nor good community-ware.
For an example of Drupal in actual usage, see www.DebianPlanet.org.
Decide whether your primary purpose is to facilitate the management of web content or, instead, to build a web-based community. If your primary purpose is the former (rather than the latter), then you should probably choose a _true_ CMS, rather than hybrid software that tries to do both. The following are often cited as being among the best of the open source (OS) CMS's:
FWIW, the amount of "buzz" that Plone is generating now in the OS community astounds me. I have been following OS for years now (I have been using Linux since '97), and I have _never_ seen an OS software go from inception to "red-hot" so damned fast (with the possible exception of Jabber, an XML router). Heck, Plone is generating more buzz than OpenCMS notwithstanding that Plone did not make its debut until 2002, years after OpenCMS. In the OS community, Plone seems to be generating as much "buzz" as Linux did back in 1995. That amount of buzz indicates that Plone is probably the OS CMS to watch, at least in the category of general-purpose CMSes.
Paul Bain
Re:What is the best Free Software CMS? (Score:1, Interesting)
Excellent articulation re: the shortcomings of the various Nukes. I agree with you re: 3 of your 4 selections, with the exception being OpenCMS. I found the installation of OpenCMS to be rather smooth, but I encountered an endless number of problems while trying to get it running; I encountered many people on the Web posting about similar problems as mine, without any true resolution offered from the Dev community. I never got it working the way it was supposed to, although I have heard from other
Re:What is the best Free Software CMS? (Score:2, Interesting)
Personally I've been working with Plone for a couple months now and am pretty impressed by its customization potential. For communityware, it isn't there yet primarily because their forum software is no where up to snuff with features compared to phpBB and