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Native Americans Ask Apache Foundation To Change Name ( 339

Natives in Tech, a US-based non-profit organization, has called upon the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) to change its name, out of respect for indigenous American peoples and to live up to its own code of conduct. The Register reports: In a blog post, Natives in Tech members Adam Recvlohe, Holly Grimm, and Desiree Kane have accused the ASF of appropriating Indigenous culture for branding purposes. Citing ASF founding member Brian Behlendorf's description in the documentary "Trillions and Trillions Served" of how he wanted something more romantic than a tech term like "spider" and came up with "Apache" after seeing a documentary about Geronimo, the group said: "This frankly outdated spaghetti-Western 'romantic' presentation of a living and vibrant community as dead and gone in order to build a technology company 'for the greater good' is as ignorant as it is offensive."

And the aggrieved trio challenged the ASF to make good on its code of conduct commitment to "be careful in the words that [they] choose" by choosing a new name. The group took issue with what they said was the suggestion that the Apache tribe exists only in a past historical context, citing eight federally recognized Native American tribes that bear the name.
In a statement emailed to The Register, an ASF spokesperson said, "We hear the concerns from the Native American people and are listening. As a non-profit run by volunteers, changes will need time to be carefully weighed with members, the board, and our legal team. Our members are exploring alternative ways to address it, but we don't have anything to share at this time."
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Native Americans Ask Apache Foundation To Change Name

Comments Filter:
  • by davidwr ( 791652 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @07:26PM (#63200936) Homepage Journal

    It was "a patchy server" so how about "A Patchy Foundation."

  • by Sitnalta ( 1051230 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @07:47PM (#63201012)

    It has nothing to do with "woke" culture, these tribes are plagued by absolute crushing poverty, and have been trying to get licensing money from these companies for decades. The Cherokee chief goes after Jeep every once in awhile.

  • by Tony Isaac ( 1301187 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @07:51PM (#63201024) Homepage

    I grew up in Cherokee County, Oklahoma. Many businesses used "Cherokee" in the name. It was seen as a sort of point of pride, something that honored Cherokees.

    Why is using the name "Apache" considered offensive? Apache Foundation is well-respected. There's no reason to think that their use of the name Apache would in any way be derogatory of native Americans.

    What am I missing?

    • by ELCouz ( 1338259 )
      Because according to some ... it is cultural appropriation.
      • Why are we so intent on letting the most ignorant and offended ( venn diagram; just a circle ) continue to dominate the public discussion then?

        And what is "cultural appropriation" anyway? Shouldn't that be the goal? That aspects of your culture are so cool that others want to adopt them? Great big melting pot, right?

        Let's all get better together, not further segregate ourselves in order to avoid "appropriating" someone's culture.

    • by suss ( 158993 )

      I'm guessing someone wants money. It's always about money.

    • You are missing nothing. This is just some woke assholes speaking for tribes. Hopefully, the tribes speak up and rip these 3 for being idiots.
    • I grew up in Cherokee County, Oklahoma. Many businesses used "Cherokee" in the name. It was seen as a sort of point of pride, something that honored Cherokees... What am I missing?

      You're missing the fact that there actually are Cherokees in Oklahoma.

  • Spaghetti western? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by peppepz ( 1311345 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @07:54PM (#63201040)
    Calling Italian people "spaghetti" is as ignorant as it is offensive.
    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      coining "spaghetti western" as an art (or entertainment) sub-genre isn't the same as "calling someone spaghetti because italian". the latter would be a direct, personal offense. the former is just a popular designation that mainly exists because "spaghetti" is a cultural icon that italy has never had a problem with being associated with, but has actively promoted and exported (with notable success). you might debate if half a century of political correctness improvements later that custom ought to be change

      • by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @11:50PM (#63201786)

        And "going Dutch" implies that Netherlanders are stingy. I suppose if you try hard enough, everyone can be offended about something.

        But we're also an innovative people. Did you know it was actually the Dutch that invented copper wire? Apparently, two Dutchmen were fighting over a penny.

        • Then of course there's the Dutch Oven ( ;-)

    • Please use "spaghetti" in a sentence, so I can understand how it's an insult... to Italians I presume. I'm part Italian, so I'll prepare to be outraged.
  • Will the army have to change the name of the AH64 ?

    (of course they could always just donate them to Ukraine and Taiwan)

  • A funny definition from the dictionary...

    apache2 | paSH, äpäSH |
    noun (plural apaches | paSH, äpäSH | ) dated
    a violent troublemaker, originally in Paris.

    So now the French and Parisians will be upset?

    I'd go with "Apshai" to honor the cool computer game when I was a kid... []


  • There's a hockey player on the USA U20 team with name "Red Savage."

    I surprised they haven't called it a hate crime yet.

  • The latest wave of 'liberalism' appears to be to remove any reference anywhere to a minority. I thought the white supremacy was on the right originally but the left seems to be taking that over with ridiculous claims of "cultural appropriation" whenever any white person enjoys another culture. Apparently they now want to keep white people as white as possible.
  • by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @08:42PM (#63201244) Journal
    Seriously, this is likely a request from some woke a55holes. Instead, the foundation should ask the tribe. If tribe says they want it change, then change it. But, far too many asswipes gripe about everything under the sun
  • Origin of "Apache" (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @09:00PM (#63201304) Homepage

    No, not talking about the origin of the name for the Foundation, but rather this [].

    Names: The name Apache comes from a Zuni word meaning "our enemies"; their own names for themselves are Ndee, Inday, and Dine'é, which mean "the people" in their languages. Today most Apache people also use the name "Apache," which is frequently spelled Abachi or Abaachi in their own orthographies. Spelling variants on these names include Apachi, Nde, Dine', Dine'e, Tineh, Tinde, Chinde, Inde, Indé, Indee, and Nnee.

    I just find that interesting. "Apache" was appropriated from another group of people in the first place.

  • by f00zbll ( 526151 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @09:32PM (#63201396)

    originally httpd was call "a patchy webserver" because it was constantly being patched. The name stuck and was changed to apache. I've been contributing to apache for over a decade and I have no problems with changing the name. The down side though is it's a lot of work. All of the software will need to be updated to remove apache. That's not a trivial task. Keep in mind open source developers don't like to do work they feel is pointless. There have been thousands of flame wars on apache mailing lists over the years about pointless work.

    Also keep in mind there's lots of bloated egos in apache community. I stopped counting the flame wars after a few years and just ignore them. The bigger issue is source control and regression management. Once you change all of the package names, you've added extra overhead with back porting fixes. Look at Hadoop. If you count all the components, there's over 10 million lines of code.

    It will take a long time for every project to transition and the amount of work needed is easily tens of thousands of hours.

  • by Paul Neubauer ( 86753 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @09:53PM (#63201454)

    And then the whole implementation can be called the... Honest Engine.
    Let the pot-stirrers choke on it.

  • by iamacat ( 583406 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @10:20PM (#63201564)

    As a Russian Tatar, I would love my culture to have more worldwide prominence and a recognition, even if some of it ends up being cartoonish. So whenever anyone gets offended, please replace the reference to similar reference to Russian or Tatar culture! I am SO unoffended to be stereotyped as a mighty warrior when in fact I am an SWE who could lose a few pounds. Also PLEASE dress up as Russian and Tatar folks figures on Halloween. Even if you whiteface or yellowface is Ok. Bottom line, most people who imitate a culture like a culture and people who are its original origin. Never met a Hula dancer of any nationality who hated polynesians or an anime fan who hated Japanese. Please, can I also be part of a successful model minority?

  • by _dj6_ ( 8250908 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @10:20PM (#63201568)
    How about we just draw the line here and say sorry guys, totally respect the fact that you don't like it for your reasons, but we do like it for our reasons and really you are in no way 'harmed' by us using the word. Now go away. This phenomenon is like a child finding out that a magnifying glass can burn things and they just can't help using their newly discovered power wherever they can. Sorry children, can't use your new found power here. Play somewhere else.
  • A few things (Score:4, Interesting)

    by LeeLynx ( 6219816 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @11:05PM (#63201688)
    1. Note to the New/Extreme/Racist/Trumpist Right: Stop referring to everything you don't like as 'woke'. You aren't goddamn Smurfs, introduce some variety into your vocabulary, you ignorant simps.

    2. Calling it 'Apache' is not derogatory in any way, shape, or form. It's not a slur. It's an actual, proper noun that is a homonym for a phrase. It's used in a thoroughly neutral manner. Even the very, very obviously retconned version of the etymology quoted in the blogpost is only offensive to the extent that one wants to be 'offended' by reality, much like those people mentioned above.

    3. If we as a society wish to compose a list of cultural names and declare some sort of asinine little moratorium on using them for anything, so be it, but we cannot keep engaging in this exercise for everything that ever used one of those names in a completely innocuous manner. It's a tremendous drain on time and resources that we don't have to solve a problem that only exists in the heads of extremely petty little people who are, again, quite possibly even more infuriating than those from point #1.

    4. It does not fall upon the architects of a massive, decades-old project - the secure functioning of which the world currently relies on to a non-trivial degree to prevent the wheels from popping off of society - to undertake a massive rebranding, coding, testing, and redistribution in order to address an imaginary slight to three whiny assholes. Either this little trio of dipshits need to actually learn about "Tech" before referring to themselves as "Natives in" it, or the abstract concept of solipsism managed to congeal into three human forms, gain sentience, and start authoring blog posts.
  • by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Wednesday January 11, 2023 @11:47PM (#63201770)
    While there are obvious racial slurs that need to be gone, The Apache Foundation is no such thing. A lot of the names are more a measure of respect.

    By the time we satisfy all the demands to erase these names, we'll be functionally erasing all Native American people and words from the lexicon.

  • by physicsphairy ( 720718 ) on Thursday January 12, 2023 @01:44AM (#63201922)

    Did anyone actually look up the "organization"?

    Their forum [] is all a bunch of posts by Adam Recvlohe with no replies. The blog [] is also basically all just a bunch of articles by him. The github [] doesn't have much going on either.

    Kind of interesting to be talking about "appropriation" at the same time you happily cede to *one guy* the capacity to speak for an *entire ethnic demographic* and negotiate removing any public references to them.

  • by sajavete ( 5054387 ) on Thursday January 12, 2023 @04:36AM (#63202126)
    1) "Apache" is the single name in software development that has retained 100% respect. It is quasi holy.
    2) It'll literally cost the planet billions to change it.
    3) It serves as a daily reminder to the US IT community (and to others, who might get ideas of genocide), that there are debts that can never be paid.
  • by MysteriousPreacher ( 702266 ) on Thursday January 12, 2023 @04:44AM (#63202142) Journal

    A group with fewer than 500 followers on Facebook, averaging zero interactions with their posts. Fewer than 2500 on Twitter, averaging low single digit likes/retweets.

    The correct response would be to ignore them. The second best option is to point and laugh at the identitarian weirdos. To quote one of their retweets:

    >If you've learnt an indigenous language and you're not indigenous, then think hard about the indigenous data you're giving away by using that indigenous language in colonial platforms (FB/Meta, YouTube, Twitter etc.) and whether you have the right to give that data away.

    Fuck them.

The flow chart is a most thoroughly oversold piece of program documentation. -- Frederick Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"
